ICA Pre-Conference 2023

The HMC Pre-Confer­ence took place on May 25, 2023, at the Sher­a­ton Hotel in Toron­to, preced­ing the annu­al ICA Meet­ing. The program can be found below. The response was over­whelm­ing, and we sincere­ly thank every­one for their intrigu­ing and inspir­ing contri­bu­tions. Follow­ing this Pre-Confer­ence, there will be a multi-author paper, co-writ­ten by the orga­niz­ers and partic­i­pants. We express our heart­felt grat­i­tude to the HMC Jour­nal, which has gener­ous­ly provid­ed a space for this collab­o­ra­tive writ­ing experiment.

ICA Pre-Conference 2022

ICA Pre-Conference 2019

ICA Pre-Conference 2018

ICA Pre-Conference 2017

ICA Post-Conference 2016