The process of creat­ing an HMC Inter­est Group began with a Blue Sky Work­shop at ICA Puer­to Rico in 2015. What followed were a series of pre-confer­ences and work­shops both at ICA and in other spaces (notably AoIR) to build the HMC community.

In May 2022 (at the 72nd annu­al ICA confer­ence), we count­ed 333 members. This is an enor­mous growth from the Blue Sky Work­shop in 2015 (24 to 30 partic­i­pants) and the 90 signa­tures need­ed in 2019. Impor­tant­ly, we are a diverse group in terms of geograph­i­cal spaces, meth­ods, and epis­te­molo­gies. Members come from 20 to 25 differ­ent coun­tries. Our Inter­est Group is being praised for being 50.4% not US; out of all Divisions/Interest Groups we current­ly rank fourth in this respect.