2024 : Gold Coast, Australia

Andrew Prahl awarding Heesoo Jang Top Student Paper at ICA Conference 2024

Top Student Paper

An Assess­ment of Report­ed Bias­es and Harms of Large Language Models
Heesoo Jang, U of North Caroli­na at Chapel Hill
Jaemin Cho, U of North Caroli­na at Chapel Hill

Top Papers

Lulu Peng accepting Top Paper Award at ICA HMC 2024

The Gener­a­tional Algo­rith­mic Divide: A Compar­a­tive Approach to Inves­ti­gat­ing the Algo­rith­mic Frames of Older Adults in China
Lulu Peng, Huazhong U of Science and Tech­nol­o­gy
Yunling Ren;, Huazhong U of Science and Tech­nol­o­gy
Zhan Xu, North­ern Arizona U

Talk­ing with AI about Mental Health: The Role of Perceived Message Contin­gency and Outcome Rele­vant Involve­ment
Hany­oung Kim, Univer­si­ty of Kentucky
Weilu Zhang, Univer­si­ty of Kentucky
Ja Kyung Seo, Univer­si­ty of Geor­gia
Jeong-Yeob Han, Univer­si­ty of Geor­gia
Hye Jin Yoon, Univer­si­ty of Geor­gia
Jiyoung Yeon, Univer­si­ty of Georgia

Explor­ing virtu­al influ­encers’ popu­lar­iza­tion of non-fungi­ble tokens: The roles of human-like­ness and influ­encer tier congru­ence
Jiemin Looi, Hong Kong Baptist U
LeeAnn Kahlor, U of Texas at Austin

Navi­gat­ing the Algo­rith­mic Terrain: Unrav­el­ing the Influ­ence of Liter­a­cy and Trans­paren­cy on User Engage­ment across four plat­forms
Yi Xu, Shang­hai Jiao Tong Univer­si­ty
Zili Chen, Shang­hai Jiao Tong University

Jake Liang Award (select­ed from the extend­ed abstract submis­sions as no pre-confer­ence was held this year)

When provid­ing sources goes wrong: explor­ing factors influ­enc­ing perceived cred­i­bil­i­ty of AIGC
Chen Min, Huazhong Univer­si­ty of Science and Tech­nol­o­gy
Qingyu Gao, Huazhong univer­si­ty of science and tech­nol­o­gy
Went­ing Yu, Hong Kong Poly­tech­nic U


Our 2nd on-site pres­ence at the main ICA Confer­ence featured an expand­ed line­up of 15 research panels — 7 hybrid, 8 in-person — inclu­sive of 2 regu­lar paper sessions, 13 high-densi­ty sessions, and 1 poster. This year, we not only held our regu­lar HMC Busi­ness Meet­ing but also intro­duced an HMC Welcome Session and a Research Esca­la­tor Session. 

In terms of submis­sions, we were pleased to receive 83 full papers, 73 extend­ed abstracts, 1 poster, and 16 research esca­la­tors. Upon peer review, 61 full papers (73% accep­tance rate), 44 extend­ed abstracts (60% accep­tance rate), the single poster (100% accep­tance rate), and 8 research esca­la­tors (50% accep­tance rate) were accept­ed for the conference.

Top Student PaperJeehyun Jenny Lee: “Ethics of AI Rela­tions: Exam­in­ing the Poli­tics of AI Ethics Discourse and Gendered Human-AI rela­tions Through the Case Study of Chat­bot Lee Luda” (Univer­si­ty of Washington)
Top Facul­ty PaperJiemin Looi & Matthew S. East­in: “Too Arti­fi­cial for Adver­tis­ing? The Impli­ca­tions of Virtu­al Influ­encers’ Human Like­ness, Tier, and Insta­gram Veri­fi­ca­tion” (The Univer­si­ty of Texas at Austin)


Our first on-site partic­i­pa­tion at the main ICA confer­ence with 9 research panels (2 hybrid), 3 high-densi­ty sessions, 4 poster sessions (3 virtu­al). We received an array of 64 papers, 55 extend­ed abstracts, and 3 posters. After peer review, 43 full papers (67% accep­tance rate), 28 extend­ed abstracts (51% accep­tance rate), and all 3 posters (100% accep­tance rate) were accept­ed for presen­ta­tion at the conference.

Top Student PaperYanyun Wang & Weizi Liu: “Which Recom­men­da­tion System Do You Trust the Most? Explor­ing the Impact of Perceived Anthro­po­mor­phism on Recom­men­da­tion System Trust, Choice Confi­dence, and Infor­ma­tion Disclosure”
Top Facul­ty PaperTanja V. Mess­ingschlager & Markus Appel: “Creative Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and Narra­tive Transportation”


Our second partic­i­pa­tion at the main ICA confer­ence contin­ued virtu­al, neces­si­tat­ed by ongo­ing Coro­n­avirus precau­tions. We contributed with 12 research panels. A total of 42 papers and 18 extend­ed abstracts were accept­ed for presen­ta­tion at the main conference.

Top Student PaperJason Archer, “Imag­in­ing Haptics and Robot­ic Surgi­cal Assis­tant Futures,”


Our first partic­i­pa­tion at the main ICA confer­ence start­ed virtu­al, due to Coro­na. Our pres­ence includ­ed nine research panels and five poster sessions. Out of 50 submit­ted papers, 26 extend­ed abstracts, and 4 posters, we were present­ing 35 papers (70% accep­tance rate), 16 extend­ed abstracts (61% accep­tance rate), and all 4 posters (100% accep­tance rate). 

Top Student PaperJoo-Wha Hong & Nathaniel M. Curran: “Assist­ing-Machine Era” to
“Substi­tut­ing-Machine Era”
Top Facul­ty PaperJihyun Kim, Kelly R. Merrill, & Chad Collins: “The Medi­at­ing Role of
Perceived Useful­ness in Rela­tion­ship AI and Task AI.”