This network­ing event brings togeth­er HMC researchers, univer­si­ty depart­ments carry­ing out HMC work, and HMC labs world­wide who would like to show­case their work and/or find possi­ble collab­o­ra­tions or mean­ing­ful feed­back about their work.

Next “Meet the Lab” on March 7, 2025

2:00 PM — 3:15 PM, GMT

We’re excit­ed to invite you to our third online inter­na­tion­al “Meet the Lab” event

Build­ing on previ­ous success, this ‘Inter­na­tion­al Meet the Lab’ event invites schol­ars to present their labs, centers, lab groups, and to intro­duce their current/future HMC research. We are priv­i­leged to welcome three estab­lished guest speak­ers to chat about their work!

Dr. Nicole Krämer: Found­ing member of Research Center Trust­wor­thy Data Science and Secu­ri­ty, Profes­sor for Social Psychol­o­gy — Media and Commu­ni­ca­tion, Univer­si­ty of Duisburg-Essen. 

Dr. Selma Šabanović: Direc­tor of the R‑House Lab for Human-Robot Inter­ac­tion, Profes­sor of Infor­mat­ics and Cogni­tive Science, Luddy School of Infor­mat­ics, Comput­ing, and Engi­neer­ing, Indi­ana Univer­si­ty Bloomington

Dr. Jing­wen Zhang: Direc­tor of the CHATR Lab, Asso­ciate Profes­sor, Depart­ment of Commu­ni­ca­tion, Univer­si­ty of Cali­for­nia, Davis. 

If time permits, after the event, some of the current HMC inter­est group lead­er­ship members will stay to see if any new/current members have ques­tions about this inter­est group. 

Event details

Date: March 7
Time: 2:00 PM — 3:15 PM (GMT +0).
Regis­tra­tion: Manda­to­ry: Click here to regis­ter
Fee: None

Time Zones
9:00 AM — 10:15 AM EST (New York)
6:00 AM — 7:15 AM PST (Cali­for­nia)
3:00 PM — 4:15 PM CET (Germany)
10:00 PM — 11:15 PM SGT/CST (Singapore/Beijing)

To find the local time in your area you may use online time zone convert­ers like Green­wich Mean Time Convert­er.


Please regis­ter by using this LINK
You will receive a Zoom link to the event once you register.