Confer­ence Presen­ta­tion Tips

Are you prepar­ing for ICA 2025 and want to improve your confer­ence presen­ta­tion skills? Whether it’s your first time present­ing or you’re look­ing to refine your deliv­ery, we invite you to join our inter­ac­tive webinar!

Speak­ers: Jesse Fox (The Ohio State Univer­si­ty, USA); Ernesto de León (Univer­si­ty of Amster­dam, Nether­lands); Chris­t­ian Pent­zold (Univer­si­ty of Leipzig, Germany)

Event Details:

Date & Time: Wednes­day, April 2nd, 2025
8:00 AM (Pacif­ic) | 11:00 AM (East­ern) | 5:00 PM (Central Euro­pean Time)

Please regis­ter here.

Or copy this link into your brows­er:

Orga­nized by the Student and Early Career Repre­sen­ta­tives of four ICA divisions – 

Chil­dren, Adoles­cents, and Media (Amber van der Wal), 

Human-Machine Commu­ni­ca­tion (Marco Dehn­ert), Inter­per­son­al Commu­ni­ca­tion (Jean­nine Teichert)

Mobile Commu­ni­ca­tion (Morgan Quinn Ross) – this one-hour session will offer prac­ti­cal insights from expe­ri­enced schol­ars on how to deliv­er engag­ing, impact­ful, and well-struc­tured presen­ta­tions, followed by an oppor­tu­ni­ty to ask your own ques­tions. Our goal is to help you navi­gate ICA with confi­dence and make the most of your presen­ta­tion opportunities.